Dominican Praise

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“ollowing a sudden hearing loss in 1999 that left me with partial hearing that was completely distorted in one ear I struggled to for two years to remain active in the classroom. Before returning to full-time teaching in 2007, I was engaged in the ministries of spiritual direction and program planning at the Dominican Center of Religious Development in Detroit, and Program Planning at Weber Center in Adrian, Michigan. While time has helped me to better adjust to the classroom and to various social settings, it was the desire to continue studying and teaching that drew me back to the classroom. It was during this hiatus that I was privileged to have collaborated with many other Dominican women to help produce Dominican Praise, a provisional book of prayer for Dominican women.”

Ap Photo by Wilfredo Lee

A Dominican Praise prayer book sits on a chair in a small chapel.

Obituary Sr Marie Yvonne Armstrong of Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose

“One of her lasting accomplishments was her collaboration in the development of the Dominican Praise. She had many opportunities to travel, but her last traveling was done between 1999 and 2001. During that period she flew several times to the Adrian Dominican Motherhouse in Michigan to work on a Committee in collaboration with Dominican Sisters from some of the other Dominican Congregations. Their goal was to create a new prayer book for Dominican Sisters to use when praying the Liturgy of the Hours. The book eventually came to be called Dominican Praise. (See p. xxiii for the list of contributors—hers is the first name, along with Sisters Renilde Cade and Mary Diane Scott.)”;wQ%2BcxQ;200211210736510600C

Dear Sisters and Associates, As you may know, a few years ago representatives of 18 Dominican Women’s communities met in Adrian, MI. They agreed to support the creation of a Dominican Women’s Prayer Book that incorporated the Liturgy of the Hours and specific Dominican emphases. Since the license for ICEL is frozen, we formed committees and have been working assiduously. I belong to one committee where we translate Greek texts for liturgical readings. On Sunday, members of our committees will meet with representatives of Liturgy Training Publications to discuss questions and concerns about our book. I ask for prayers for this meeting and our collaborative work for the common good. We hope for a pilot program to be sent out in a few months and a 2004 publication for everyone. Mary Margaret Pazdan, OP;lfOCYA;200311171819330500C

Some reasons why you might want to purchase “Dominican Praise”:
– to support this collaborative venture of 17 congregations.
– to join OP women across the country in this expression of common prayers.
– to have a convenient prayer resource in one volume.
– to pray with words which are inclusive, addressing God in broad images.
– to have psalm texts marked for simple chanting.
-to incorporate elements of OP essentials, feasts, flavor in your prayer.
– to have access to scholarly, contemporary scripture texts.
If you are someone who:
– uses the Carmelite books and fills in the missing pieces in various ways …
– prays the psalms and would appreciate a scholarly, contemporary translation …
– centers your prayer in the daily Eucharist readings and wants to incorporate the morning-evening rhythm of seasons and feasts into your prayer …
– prays alone and wants to feel connected …
– prays with others and keeps looking for a quality resource to use …
-wants to connect your daily prayer with the prayer tradition of the Church …
you may want to consider purchasing “Dominican Praise.”  By Nov. 26 … go to  or e-mail  [log in to unmask]     Thanks, all.     Alita Lisbeth, OP;jn8XJQ;200311171811330500C  (nov 17 2003)

“Dominican Praise” is a prayer resource created for Dominicans.
After almost five years, this collaborative venture, supported by 17 congregations including Sinsinawa, is becoming a reality.  By Easter 2005, the book will be in hand.  This summer it goes to print.  By this spring, individual orders and payment (estimated @ $50) are due.  By DEC. 1, 2003, TENTATIVE ORDERS ARE DUE.
This book is similar in size (5.5 x 8.5 x 1″) and weight (1.5 lbs.) to the one produced by the Sisters of Mercy three years ago.
At just under 1000 pages, it is designed to be practical for the aging (very readable print, little bleed-through, lies flat when open), and for travelers and those living alone (an all-in-one book).  It uses inclusive language and broader naming of God.  There is provision for chanting of psalms and canticles.  Intercessions incorporate Dominican elements.
Psalms, canticles, readings are original translations from Greek and Hebrew.  Our own Mary Margaret Pazdan, OP, is on the committee translating readings.  Only one printing is planned as an “in-house” publication, not for public sale, will not be sold in the Mound Bookshop.  Sisters, Associates and others interested must purchase a book through one of the congregations.
Sisters, beginning on Tues. Nov. 18, on you will find more information and a response button indicating either – YES, I plan to buy this book in the spring.  –  or  –  NO, I will not buy it. Please register your decision before Thanksgiving, by Wed. Nov. 26.  Your decision now is tentative and will give the indication needed to help set the price of the book and prepare for final orders in the spring.
Sisters without intranet access AND Associates, if you want more information or to place a tentative order, e-mail me at [log in to unmask]
“You might be interested in purchasing a copy if …”  Part two of this message will fill in the blank.  Thanks, all.     Alita Lisbeth, OP;0duO7w;200311071738050500A

Nov 7 2003 “A committee representing seventeen Dominican Women’s congregations have completed their work on DOMINICAN PRAISE, a resource for common prayer. Tentative orders are needed by December 1. Watch Sinsinop for more information.”;%2B09qAw;200403100653350600B Mar 10 2004

Dominican Praise, the Dominican women's Liturgy of the Hours prayer resource, continues to be printed on schedule and will be ready for publishing by June.  It is time to place your orders.

Last fall you were asked to indicate your interest in purchasing this prayer resource.  350 of us expressed intent to purchase.  Tentative orders from 27 congregations now total almost 5000 copies; this information was needed to set the purchase price.

Cost per book = $54.  Final, real, definite orders and payment are due by Monday, March 29.  No orders will be taken after that date.  Books are expected to be shipped to each congregation by Easter, 2005.  Even if you indicated an interest in the Fall, you still need to place an order.  Please share this information with others that do not receive SinsinOP.

Here's how to order.  E-mail   [log in to unmask]   or phone 608-748-4411 x279 - orders and payment arrangements to Mary Ellen Schonhoff, Membership Office Secretary.  All orders will go to Mary Ellen.

There are two options for payment.  1) Write a check for $54 payable to Sinsinawa Dominicans -Dominican Praise and send it to Mary Ellen Schonhoff, Membership Office, 585 County Road Z, Sinsinawa, WI 53824-9701 OR request a Central Banking transfer of $54 to the Dominican Praise account;HyAtnA;200802130633410800B

Recently I posted the Dominican Ordo for 2008. The Ordo gives us a date for finding our way in the Dominican Praise book (column one). It also directs our attention to a particular week beginning with Sunday/ feast day (column two) and what week to begin the psalms and readings (column three). A new Ordo is published each year to correspond to the dates and feasts of the liturgical year.
Thanks to Tricia Buxton, the Ordo is a permanent feature on the Intranet under Resources. To access the Ordo, go to www. and log in with your user name and password.
At the welcome page, click on the resources button on the left.
Then click on Dominican Order 2008 under General Information to access the  Ordo.
The Ordo and our Dominican Book of Days keep all of us liturgically up to date on a daily basis.
Mary Margaret;uIBPGA;200403301509020600E
I want to thank everyone who responded to the order for the Dominican Praise, the Dominican women's Liturgy of the Hours prayer resource.

We have a total of 391.

Mary Ellen Schonhoff
Membership Office;3vQ%2FUQ;200510061752300500A

Mary Schonhoff: "Sr Alita and I finally heard from Barbara Rund (Adrian) and the Steering Committee. The Dominican Praise Prayer Book "Liturgy of the Hours" is "on the presses" at the printer. After printing, the books will be shipped to the "bindery." The bound books are scheduled to be shipped in bulk to the LTP office the week of November 7, 2005. Once LTP receives the prayer books, the books will be unpacked and repackage according to each Congregation's needs. Then books will be shipped out to the addresses on the Congregation Contracts, probably by the end of November 2005. Barbara Rund apologizes for this delay.";WUey%2FA;200601121344400500B
"Alita led us in prayer of the day from the new "Dominican Praise" book and we remarked on the beauty of both the book and the prayer.";OYAmuQ;200602031358240500A
After years of be-coming, Dominican Praise, a provisional book of prayer for Dominican women, is a living reality.  Sinsinawans ordered 391 copies, in use across the States & in Trinidad. 
    This project grew from seeds planted in spring of 1999, envisioning an ecclesial, Dominican, contemporary book of prayer.  From the beginning, 17 US congregations offered support, plus several more in recent years.  Original translations of psalms, canticles & biblical readings are the work of sister scholars, among them our own Mary Margaret Pazdan, OP.  [log in to unmask]  It’s introduction, a beautiful resource in itself, acknowledges over 30 sisters directly involved in the creation of this book. 
    Some of you have asked where to direct a thank you for “a job well done.”  Two suggestions: our main connection has been with Barbara Rund, OP (Adrian)  [log in to unmask]  and the chair of the Steering Committee is Honora Werner, OP (Caldwell).  [log in to unmask]  They’ll both be glad to hear form you!  Alita Lisbeth, OP;eDYPcg;200602081013510600B
Dominican Praise now has a companion.  A "double CD" has been produced to accompany this book of prayer.  This set of two CDs includes: a sung Morning, Evening and Night Prayer with hymns, psalms and canticles, demonstrating complex & simple psalm tones and Gospel Canticle tones used in Dominican Praise.  We have 100 of these CD sets available.
	Cost of double CD set = $6.00	Cost of postage = $1.35
	You can have the CD mailed to you OR you can pick it up at Chapter.
TO ORDER: email Mary Ellen Schonhoff at [log in to unmask] 
When you order, choose one:
_____	I want to order the Dom. Praise CD set.  Please send it to me. ($7.35)
_____	I want to order the Dom. Praise CD set.  I will pick it up at Chapter. ($6.00)
Then choose one of these:
_____	Transfer the cost from my CB account # _____.
_____	I will send a check to the Membership Office at the Mound.
Orders will be filled only by Mary Ellen Schonhoff through the Membership Office.
They will be filled in the order they are received.  When all the CD sets are sold, Mary Ellen Schonhoff will put a notice on SinsinOP.     Alita Lisbeth, OP;beebcg;200607130552380700B
Dear Sisters, Novices, Candidates, Discerner, Associates,
As you know the Dominican Praise book was published last fall. It was the collaboration of many Dominican congregations of women for six years. This weekend in St. Louis we are celebrating our six years of common endeavors to bring the book to print. Some have asked me about an extra copy since they were not aware of the order form.
If you would like a copy, please let me know asap. On Saturday morning, we will be
considering the possibility of another printing.
Mary Margaret Pazdan
Translator of NT readings and canticles.;887irg;200701081405080600B

We received this message today from the publishers of the new Dominican Praise book:

Dear All,

The four publishing congregational representatives for Dominican Praise (Mary Ann Wiesemann-Mills, Kathleen Nolan, Nathalie Meyer, Anne Kilbride) and members of the steering committee (Barbara Rund and Honora Werner) met by conference call on January 3rd to review the results of the survey to explore the possibility of a second printing of Dominican Praise.

In the survey letter, we indicated to you that LTP had indicated to us that we would need 3,000 books ordered to make this feasible.  With 3,000 books, the approximate cost for each book would be $70 , not including shipping, handling, and any legal fees we might have for a second printing.  The total number of potential book orders we received was 1,187.  Since this does not reach the goal indicated, we will not do a second printing at this time.

However, we will survey the English-speaking congregations in the international community to see if there is interest among these congregations.  Once we have this data, we will give you an update.

We thank you for the support of Dominican Praise, and it is our hope that, at some time in the future, we will be able to do a second printing.

Anne Kilbride, OP
for the Dominican Praise Publishing Congregations;dTFSpw;200901081152400600B
I will first of all admit that I do not necessarily get/remember all of the conversations that take place on any given topic.  So my following suggestion may already have been made and I missed it.
What would be the possibility of using one of the doxology formulas found in the Dominican Praise Office book for the vow formula?
The the honor of almighty God: Creator, Redeemer, and Holy Spirit…
or                                                :Creator, Christ, and Spirit…
Penny Smith, OP;zJbC%2FQ;200702190701090800C

2007 Dominican Praise Ordo;NbQORg;200908231133580700D


Dear Sisters,
If anyone has a copy of Dominican Praise she is not using, will you please send it to me. I lost mine somewhere between Wisconsin and Florida. Sister Kathleen and I have been forced to use the People’s Companion to the Breviary put out by the Carmelites who never heard of a Dominican saint. I would be glad to reimburse you for the postage plus anything you would like me to pay for it.  Thank you so much.
Elaine Taylor, OP
5608 D Lynn Lake Dr. S.
St. Petersburg, FL 33712;73132628.1104E




‘Like Catherine, we follow Dominic, in preaching the Word of God,

In a world of sorrow and suffering, Catherine preached compassion.


May our preaching nurture compassion


In a world of greed and destruction, Catherine preached peace.

May our preaching nurture peace.


In a world of confusion and doubt, Catherine preached truth.

May our preaching nurture truth.


In a world of ethnic and religious hatred, Catherine preached love.

May our preaching nurture love.


O eternal Trinity, Wisdom of the saints,

Catherine was in her time a holy model,

a courageous woman,

a wise and faithful counselor.


Help us in our time to discover our mission to church and world…’

       quoted from DOMINICAN PRAISE